Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Glogster is such a cool new site. It allows users to create interactive posters!
You can print them out or embed them in other sites! Check it out!

Searchme: Visual Search

Searchme is a visual search engine that allows users to see the first page of their search.
It's great for visual learners ! Check it out at http://www.searchme.com.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Do you drink pop or soda?

Here's an interesting site about what we say in different parts of the country?

Check it out!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Wordle is a super fun site that allows you to create word collages. You can type in words or copy and paste them. The layout, font, colors, etc. can all be edited! It's really fun. The picture below is one based on the words of President Elect Obama's acceptance speech.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Twilight Movie Trailers

Alright, the movie is finally here!
Which is better though, the novel or the movie?

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Book Club & Animoto

Do you love reading books? Come join us Tuesdays in the Media Center!

The following video was created with Animoto--a super cool site. Check it out!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Stephanie Meyer @ MOA!!

Did any of you see Stephanie Meyer at MOA? If not, here is what she had to say.

Getting Started!

I'm excited to be starting the RHS Media Center Blog! I've wanted to get it going for some time, but something else always comes up! Hopefully this will be a great addition to our media center. I'd love to have comments and suggestions along the way too!